Gift Yourself Ceremony

Why Do a Ceremony? 

A wonderful astrologer, Nadya Shah, once said:

“What you value is what you give your energy to.” 

Often what we want to value is not always what we are giving our energy to. Ceremony is one way to come back into alignment with our values, energy, and attention. 

For any ceremony, it’s important to bring both your attention and your intention.


Leading up to your ceremony, it is helpful to spend some time preparing. Reflect, either by journaling, in meditation, or through journeying. Get help from your intuition, guides, or spirit. Take some time to get clarity around your intention. What is calling to be released? What is ready to be received? What do you value in your life that you want to honor? Asking for help from a higher source/self  keeps our ego out of the driver seat. Who is involved? Is this solo, with friends and family? What feels nourishing? 

The Solstice marks the turning of the light and for many is near the end of a year. It is a wonderful time to honor the past lunar year. What do you want to celebrate? What do you want to receive help with that is still unresolved? Maybe there was a loss this past year that needs honoring. Sometimes letting go of an old way of seeing something can make way for a new possibility. 


While it is great to do the ceremony on the day of the solstice, you can also step outside of time and send the energy from your ceremony to connect with the solstice. Holding your ceremony a few days before or after the solstice will keep you in touch with the energy of this potent seasonal shift and allows you to be flexible with the timing of your ceremony.

Creating Your Sacred Space

Opening a sacred space is how we step out of linear time and into sacred time. As in meditation, you may feel that five minutes feels like an hour or an hour feels like five minutes. You can open a sacred space simply by asking for a sacred container to be created for the ceremony. You may want to use a bell, cleanse with palo santo to open the space, or call on your guides and helpers to be with you and hold your intention for the ceremony. 

Collect or place any items you want for the ceremony. (You may want to collect items before you open sacred space and place them after. Trust your intuition on the flow of things.) I love having items that honor the elements of earth, fire, water, air. For example, stones and flowers, a fire outside or a candle, water or a crystal that connects to water energy, and feathers or imagery of birds, butterflies, or music. Also, you may wish to bring items that honor your ancestors or teaching lineage, such as photos or favorite foods or objects. You give meaning to your items and make them sacred, so choose and place them with love. 


Once you have created your sacred container, ask for help with whatever you need, and then let go. One prayer a teacher taught me is “Help, Thanks, Wow.” Ceremony is a place to give and receive. You may want to sing or play music, read a poem you love, burn something in the fire to let go or to send prayers up. Again, trust your intuition on what the action of the ceremony calls for based on your intention for the practice. Much like a painting, each person's ceremony will look different even with the same intention, so don’t be afraid to make it your own! And remember, a ceremony does not have to be long to be powerful. Even a simple practice will initiate ripples of change that will continue to flow long after your ceremony completes. 

Closing Sacred Space

We close sacred space to create the container for our prayers. We let them marinate in that love filled container as long as they need without bringing in linear time or any other influences. However you chose to open sacred space, you will also want to close or end the ceremony in a similar way to complete the container and thank any helpers, ancestors, or love energy that assisted you. Always make sure that the fire is out and then gently return earth elements to their home.

Ceremony is a powerful practice that you can work with any time you are seeking guidance or wishing to create transformation in your own life, but you are also always welcome to book an Energy Alchemy Session if you would like additional support with energetic clearing and cultivating deeper alignment with your soul’s callings for 2024.

Sending out so much love to all of you as we turn this corner of light and make way for a powerful new year! 


Letting Love Lead the Way